From the moment we're born until the end of our lives,
we all have the right to make our own choices.
Yet, simply because we are LGBTQ+, or perhaps because of our gender, race, ethnicity, religion, birth, disability, or economic background, , etc.,
many of us are denied the freedom to live authentically and denied the same life choices as others.
The right to be ourselves at school or work,
to be in love or not to be in love,
to find a home,
to be healthy,
to marry or not to marry,
to start a family —
Regardless of differences,
we should be granted the same rights to life with dignity, authenticity, and equality.
To secure these rights, we need legal reforms.
Until we dismantle structural discrimination and prejudice and create a society that protects equal rights for everyone, we will continue to demand:
Same Life, Same Rights